Glenlivet Founders Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky

Glenlivet Founders Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky

From KSh4,900

Glenlivet Founder`s Reserve is a whisky from the Glenlivet family of single malt whiskies. It comes in a blue box and bottle and has no age statement unlike the other Glenlivet Whiskies.

The Glenlivet Master Distillers also lacks an age statement like the Glenlivet Founders Reserve.

Glenlivet Founders Reserve whisky is very clean, fresh pale gold dram with notes of grass, freshly cut apples and pear drops, enriched by a rich toffee character. It has a slightly floral note with menthol and custard-tart notes.

On the palate the whisky is gentle with a lot of fruitiness on the tongue, with pear the dominant note, accompanied by a refreshing matiness. It has very soft texture and mouthfeel with no rough edges. It offers a soft, fruity and whistle clean finish. Easy to drink.

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